Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Auction & Talent Show

The reunion is drawing near. It's just about 2 months away!

Have you started to think about what kind of talent you might want to share with the family? Have you come across some special treasures that you would be willing to donate to the family auction? As we have in the past, we will be holding a family auction night and a talent night. We would love your participation for one or both of these nights! Here are a few ideas...

talent night- singing, skits, poetry reading, dancing, playing a musical instrument...all ages are welcome!

auction evening- family memorabilia, crafts (or anything hand-made), photos, something related to a business that you own or work for...well, really, just about anything. Money from the auction goes toward reducing the cost of our next reunion, scholarships and administrative costs (photocopies, mailings, etc).

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